newly amalgamated Anglican Church with a commitment to faith, community and justice.

Holy Wisdom

welcome for all;
compassion for those in need;
honest approach to faith.

SUnday services:

8:30 am
book of common prayer
said service

10:30 am
Book of alternative services
Hybrid Contemporary

This Week’s services

Last week’s

food bank

Our Food Bank is open on Tuesdays from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM. We have a random number policy and not first come, first served. If you arrive at 4:30pm, you will be given a random number for your place in line. Anyone arriving after 4:30pm will be given the next available number.  All clients need a Daily Bread Client number. You may register at OR in person during the Food Bank’s hours of operation. Please bring identification for all household members you are registering.

This community resource is made possible through the generous support of Daily Bread Food Bank and members of our congregation and our local community.

community lunch

On the first Saturday of every month from 12:30 PM to 2 PM, we offer a free lunch for members of the community. All are welcome! We also welcome donations and sponsorships in support of this vital ministry.

Is there a place here for me?

In a word, yes. We at Holy Wisdom give thanks to God for the gift of spiritual maturity in our leadership. Spiritual maturity means we are able to focus on the work God gives us to do in the world. It means we are able to welcome new people, new experiences, and new challenges without fear or anxiety. It means we welcome diversity as a gift from God.

You’ll find a richness here, with people trying to love God and one another all across the age and economic spectrums, and all across the political and cultural spectrums, too. You’ll find people who know the ancient rhythms of our worship by heart, people who are coming from other expressions of Christianity, and people who have little or no experience with Church.

You are welcome here. If you are a visitor, consider making us your church home. As we journey together in this time of pandemic, we hope to see you either in person or online.

Come as you are, with all that you are.

Do you want to be involved?

Acolytes assist in worship by carrying the crosses, lighting candles, carrying the Gospel book, carrying torches

Eucharistic Ministers include both chalice bearers who assist in distributing the wine at Eucharist,
and Lectors, who read Holy Scripture and lead the Prayers of the People

The Lay Pastoral Ministry is HW’s way to keep in touch with those members who have a pastoral need.
Each week, volunteers send cards, visit, call, and deliver flowers or meals.
Sometimes the occasions are happy (new baby), sad (a family death), difficult (illness or surgery), and sometimes, it’s just a social call.

At Coffee Hour, weekly volunteers serve coffee, and light snacks after Sunday morning services. 

The Altar Guild prepares the church for all of the services,
polished the altar silver and brass, launders the altar linens, and orders supplies for worship.

The Children’s and Youth Ministry meets on Fridays and Sundays to experience Church
through simple language, fun activities and friendships.

Photo credit: Michael Hudson, Diocese of Toronto